Home > Have Never Tracked My Cash

Have Never Tracked My Cash

December 5th, 2010 at 06:26 pm

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit, in all my adult years, I have never tracked my cash spending. I know I have to rectify this, as I have been overspending. Frown I need to cut it out. In the past few months, I have taken on some credit card debt. There was a time in my life when I was swimming in credit card debt, but had been completely free of it for the last decade or so. However, I can no longer say that.

2 Responses to “Have Never Tracked My Cash”

  1. Petunia Says:

    Welcome Petunia! Tracking will really help you with the overspending. . . I know we overspend when I don't track the spending within a day or two of the expenditure.

  2. Shiela Says:

    Another Petunia! Hi and welcome.

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