Home > Unexpected Co-Pay Refund

Unexpected Co-Pay Refund

February 27th, 2011 at 12:08 am

A few months back, I was seeing a specialist medical doctor and had several offce visits. My co-pay for a specialist is $30. Somehow, I overpaid. I received a detailed account transaction list and check for $30 in the mail today. I had NO IDEA it was coming.

So, when I make March's mortgage payment, I will be adding $200 from my income tax refund, $23.10 from Plastic Jungle, $20 from Chase Freedom rewards, and $30 from the co-pay refund, as well as the few dollars I budget to pay extra.

March will be my "chippiest" month yet!

I have decided that I am going to start being better about recycling water bottles, and using that money towards my mortgage.

1 Responses to “Unexpected Co-Pay Refund”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    That's awesome Petunia!

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