Home > Five Cent Nickel

Five Cent Nickel

August 17th, 2011 at 08:13 pm

There is an awesome blog post today over at Five Cent Nickel. It eloquently sums up why investing costs matter.

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4 Responses to “Five Cent Nickel”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Great post! (I had never really thought about how 1% would affect retirement withdrawal). & as some commenter mentioned - it may be worthwhile to pay a small amount for higher returns. BUT, the fees can easily be astronomical with any advisor (their fees + loads, plus funds with high expense ratios, and on and on and on). My dh's whole family is enamored with a VERY expensive advisor, and I just cringe to watch.

    I should probably start following this blog. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Sometimes during tax season I see some horrible, expensive portfolios. It makes me sad to see someone who has worked hard and saved losing so much of their money unnecessarily. Especially variable annuities inside of IRAs, those are the worst. Oh, how I would like to slip them some articles from the web, just slide it in their folder on the sly. I am sure you see plenty of horrible portfolios too.

    I hope your in-law's advisor is doing a good job for them. I do think that if an advisor talks clients out of selling low and buying high, then s/he is worth the added expense. Other than that, I don't see the value.

    Five Cent Nickel is one of my favorite sites. I hope that you enjoy it, Monkey Mama!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    I generally don't see portfolios. (That is the funny thing I hear so often - like Dave Ramsey was chastising CPAs for not giving investment advice. Oy vey. Like I know from a 1099 what crap my clients are invested in! Plus, um, I can't legally give investment advice? Bad idea - not sure malpractice insurer would like it? We don't even recommend investment advisors at the risk of recommending the next Madoff. Which is fine, since there are -0- I would recommend).

    That said, I do see a lot of terrible investment ideas. Brokers who encourage clients to borrow large amounts of money (against homes or stocks) to invest, and all sorts of cray investment ideas that people get talked into. With those type things, we open our mouths and say something! It's just too horrible not to. I generally only know about these the few times a client thinks to ask our opinion.

  4. baselle Says:

    And all of those examples are based on things going super well. The 1% galls me because its charged no matter what. Win, and they charge 1%; lose and they also charge 1%. I've said it to my friends that "Investing is like driving. If a car's going into the ditch at least I want my fingerprints on the wheel."

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