Home > My Nest Egg

My Nest Egg

December 5th, 2010 at 06:54 pm

My retirement nest egg is in three different accounts: a traditional IRA, a Simple IRA (employer's plan), and a Roth IRA.

My plan is to eventually use my tax-deferred monies for regular monthly income, and to use my Roth for big-ticket items such as a new roof or vehicle replacement.

Here is my current situation:

Traditional IRA (held at Wells Fargo):
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF $38,257.36
Vanguard Small Value ETF $7,955.75
Vanguard All World Ex US ETF $29,988.00
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF $20,150.00
iShares Tips Bond Fund ETF $9,985.68
cash $78.58
Total: $106,415.37

Simple IRA:
American Funds Target Ret 2030 $9,625.80

Roth IRA (held at Vanguard):
Vanguard Target Ret 2025 $7,663.43

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