Checking In
October 26th, 2012 at 04:15 amSo far this month my spending is in check. My mom surprised me with a $300 check towards Nala's emergency vet bill. That was so nice!
Last Saturday I took my son and daughter and we took a little road trip over to Half Moon Bay for the day. It had been a while since just the 3 of us had done anything. We really had a nice time, talking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company.
I have been coughing my deep, dry, hacking cough for about 7 weeks now. Went to my GP right away, yet another Rx which did not help at all. I called back and said I want to see an allergist, please refer me to one. My GP said she would prefer I see a pulmonologist. So I am seeing one on Monday. Do you notice how she has never referred me to anyone at all, and it is only when I ask that she recommends a pulmonologist? Sometimes, I get the feeling that it is just fine with her if I cough for months on end.
This is the second time this year I have coughed like this. I did it last fall, too. I am so tired of it.