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October 23rd, 2022 at 05:29 pm
It was my hope to never take another loan in my life with the possible exception of a mortgage at some point. Before the CR-V began giving me trouble, I had begun setting aside $250 each payday earmarked for my next vehicle, and had amassed 2k. That became my down payment.
The price of the vehicle I purchased was $26,988. I opted to buy an extended warranty. With tax and registration the total purchase price was $30,674.40. That's sure a lot of money for a car.
After driving it for a week, I have to say I really do like the car. The keyless entry and start is really nice and convenient. The backup camera and lane change assist are wonderful. I believe it was Monkey Mama who mentioned that going from a 2008 model to a 2018 model would be a substantial upgrade in safety features and I have definitely found that to be true.
So now comes the small matter of actually paying for the vehicle. I opted for a 72 month loan with an interest rate of 4.95%, making the monthly payments $462.02. CarMax Auto Finance is the lender. The first payment is due 11/28/22. I get paid every other Friday, with my next pay date being 10/28/22. I read on CarMax's website that they allow split payments so long as the minimum amount due is received in full by the due date. So my plan is to pay at least $231.01 every payday, beginning this coming Friday. I am going to break my personal rule of no "pull" transactions from my checking account and submit the payments on CarMax's website (rather than from my bank's website). I want the payments to process immediately, not days later. I want to shave off every penny of interest expense possible.
I have a lot of extra expenses to pay off right now. The vet bill last Saturday was $1,163, I have made hotel room reservations for December, I am planning a party, I am paying car insurance for two vehicles right now. These expenses go on my Citi MC so now I need to get them paid in full before interest accrues. I have tapped my sinking funds to help pay and should be able to pay in full before the due date without tapping them further. We'll see.
For this coming Friday, I have scheduled a payment of $275.00 to CarMax. It's a start.
This has been a busy week and I have been grieving for my sweet girl and I am just worn out. Today is a take it easy day. I'm watching TV (old episodes of Sister Wives on Discovery Plus), puttering around online, and cross-stitching. SB is at work today, but will be home around 8pm.
I got the biopsy results on my uterine polyps and they were benign. All is well there.
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Car Loan Update
January 21st, 2016 at 02:19 pm
My fourteenth scheduled car payment has posted.
This month extra principal payments included $180 from my part-time job, $206.16 in credit card rewards, $101.35 budgeted extra principal, $8,800.00 from savings, and $38.32 from checking.
Fifty-eight payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 0 payments to go. 
I will update my spreadsheet later today, in case anyone cares to take a peak.
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Car Loan Update
January 20th, 2016 at 03:22 am
When I wrote Hmm Part 1, I really wasn't planning on pulling the trigger yet.
But, I thought about it all day, and I couldn't think of a good reason not to pay it off. It would make me happy, and life is about the pursuit of happiness, right?
So tonight I transferred $8,800 from savings to my car loan, bringing the loan balance down to $260.13. Wells Fargo's website is kind enough to show the loan payoff balance every day. Using their info, I transferred an additional $38.32 from checking, bringing the balance down to $221.81. My regular payment of $248.65 will happen automatically tomorrow. After it posts, my balance should be $0.00.
Yay, it feels good. 
Now to rebuild savings.
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Car Loan Update
December 22nd, 2015 at 05:24 pm
My thirteenth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peak. And you can, because pictures are fixed. 
This month extra principal payments included $180 from my part-time job and $52.37 in credit card rewards. My part-time job is still one month behind in paying me; they owe me for November and December work right now.
Eighteen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 41 payments to go.
I haven't been mentioning it, but dealing with Chase Mortgage continues to be a frustrating ordeal. They make promises and fail to follow through. Currently the promise is funding this Thursday, which you may note is Christmas Eve. I don't believe it will happen.
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Car Loan Update
November 23rd, 2015 at 04:50 pm
My twelfth scheduled car payment has posted.
This month extra principal payments included...diddly squat! I have not been paid from my part-time job (they owe me $360 right now), I did not cash in any credit card rewards, I did not receive anything at all from HauserNet.
And look, I did not break 10k. I am 37 cents short.
Still just seventeen payments eliminated from the end, leaving 43 payments to go.
Next month should be much better.
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Car Loan Update
October 22nd, 2015 at 12:07 am
My eleventh scheduled car payment has posted. Still no point in updating the spreadsheet.
This month extra principal payments included $180 from my part-time job and $62.81 from credit card rewards. I am realizing I have not had a payment from HauserNet in several months. I will have to check on that. They aren't large sums, but I am of the opinion that ANY chip is a good chip.
Next month the balance will break 10k, so I am looking forward to that.
Seventeen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 44 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
September 24th, 2015 at 03:26 am
My tenth scheduled car payment has posted. I have not updated my spreadsheet as there is no point.
This month extra principal payments included $180 from my part-time job and $.58 from credit card rewards. Not much of a haul on those reward redemptions this month, but next month should be more fruitful.
Sixteen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 46 payments to go.
I just returned home from Reno a few hours ago. BF and I went for a few days just to get away and to scope out various neighborhoods. We stayed at Harrah's as I was able to book a room for $36.84 per night through hotels.com. It was fun and relaxing, but I am glad to be home. I won't be going back to work until Monday, so I'm just going to get some things done around the house.
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Car Loan Update
August 21st, 2015 at 05:18 pm
My ninth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, but you won't be able to see it unless/until the loading picture problem is fixed.
This month extra principal payments included $180 from my part-time job, and $31.13 from credit card rewards.
Fifteen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 48 payments to go.
This was my lowest extra principal month so far, which is a real drag. But still I did manage to eliminate a payment. If I can keep up this pace, I will be done with the loan in 2 more years. I actually hope it will be paid in full sooner.
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Car Loan Update
July 21st, 2015 at 05:47 pm
My eighth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $160 from my part-time job, and $56.44 from credit card rewards.
Fourteen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 50 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
June 23rd, 2015 at 04:25 pm
My seventh scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $160 from my part-time job, $61.44 from credit card rewards, $25.00 from a wallet sweep, and $.75 from HauserNet.
Thirteen payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 52 payments to go.
And I have reached an exciting milestone. The loan started at 16,099.00. So the one-fourth point is reached when the balance slips under 12,074.25. That point is now in the rear view mirror. 
I did a little CC rewards audit, to check that every penny redeemed thus far in 2015 has been applied to debt. They all have, all 30,851 of them. Some automatically to my mortgage, the rest to my car loan.
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Car Loan Update
May 21st, 2015 at 02:11 pm
My sixth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $300 from my part-time job, $67.11 from credit card rewards, $50.00 from re-directed E fund deposit, and $22.00 from two wallet sweeps.
Twelve payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 54 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
April 21st, 2015 at 07:19 pm
My fifth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $500 from my seasonal overtime pay, $30.00 from two wallet sweeps, and $3.92 from credit card rewards.
Notice nothing applied from my part-time job this month. That's because I haven't been paid yet for the work I did in March.
Nine payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 58 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
March 24th, 2015 at 03:20 pm
My fourth scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $160 from my part-time job, $37.50 from credit card rewards, $20.00 from a payday loan, $10.00 from a wallet sweep, and $3.00 from Hausernet.
Seven payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 61 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
February 24th, 2015 at 01:00 am
My third scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $160 from my part-time job, $50 checking account opening bonus from Discover, $26.72 from credit card rewards, and $4.00 from Hausernet.
Six payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 63 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
January 21st, 2015 at 04:44 pm
My second scheduled car payment has posted. I have updated the spreadsheet on my "My Car Note" page, if you care to take a peek.
This month extra principal payments included $320 from my part-time job, $36.82 from credit card rewards, $15 from a wallet sweep, and $3.25 from Hausernet.
Five payments have now been eliminated from the end, leaving 65 payments to go.
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Car Loan Update
December 23rd, 2014 at 09:00 pm
Last week, I did a wallet sweep and had $3 to apply to my car loan. A client who usually sends me a holiday card with a crisp $100 inside came through yet again. I applied that $100 to my car loan too.
So, my first scheduled car payment has finally posted. My extra principal payments thus far have eliminated 3 payments from the end. All told, that is 4 down with 68 to go.
I have updated my Car Note Page, if you care to take a peek.
And I had an unexpected surprise. According to my statement, my loan rate is 3.49%. My contract plainly says 3.697%. So I guess the 3.697 quoted includes the $99 fee which was tacked on? That is the only thing I can think of. Not that I am complaining, mind you.
If they want to reduce my rate further, I am OK with that. 
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Car Loan Update
December 3rd, 2014 at 07:18 pm
Just plodding along with the car loan.
I did a wallet sweep on payday and had $17 to throw at the principal.
I redeemed another $15.15 in rewards from Capital One Quicksilver, and threw that too.
New balance is $15,526.45. Still 17 days away from my first scheduled payment.
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Car Loan Update
November 17th, 2014 at 06:44 pm
Well, I managed to get my replacement paycheck in the bank this morning without losing it. Yay me! My boss had a good laugh at my expense, so at least something positive came from it, I guess?
I had $10 left in my wallet from last payday, and a $160 paycheck from my part-time job. That is another $170 towards my car loan.
I will wait until tomorrow to give my paycheck time to clear, and then I will make an additional principal payment of $248.65. That is the amount of my monthly car payment, and one is not due this month. However, I may as well get used to it. After I make that transfer, my principal balance will be $15,577.60.
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Car Loan Update
November 13th, 2014 at 05:44 pm
J's phone has been acting up. Last night, it stopped working all together. Perhaps it will magically begin working again, who knows? I ordered him a new one. The phone was $149. I went ahead and bought him a car charger too for another $18 (was $20, but I Googled and found a 10% off accessories code). With shipping, it is setting me back $187.65.
I browsed both Ting and Republic Wireless plans. RW is still the better choice for him, even though the $19 per month plan we had is no longer available. Because I am ordering a new phone, I have to choose from the plans currently being offered. We went with the unlimited for $25 per month.
My ex-husband has retired from the sheriff's department. Because he is retired, his share of cost for medical insurance has changed. Our divorce decree stipulates that he is responsible for providing J's medical insurance. The cost for J has risen to approximately $800 per month. We looked into adding J to my plan, and I can add him for just under $400 per month. Of course, that is what ex wants to do. So, we have submitted the paperwork. I will have the cost deducted from my paycheck, and ex will reimburse me. I hope he will regularly reimburse me promptly, but history suggests otherwise.
I wish we could insert spreadsheets into our blogs. I had posted my amortization schedule for my car note into a "page", but the spaces are eliminated and all of the numbers run together. I figured out how to insert an image into a "page". It took three images to show the entire schedule, but at least it is legible. (You load the images to a draft of a blog entry, then just never publish it. You can paste the image number into your "page", and voila, Bob's your uncle).
I received $3.75 from HauserNet, and so made my first tiny extra principal payment to my car loan.
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Car Loan Update
November 7th, 2014 at 06:20 pm
My car loan is finally showing up when I log on to Wells Fargo's site. And, I noticed that my balance was 16,099.00. I knew that I would be charged a $99 loan fee, but I was expecting it to be deducted from my checking account. Nope, it got added to my loan balance.
According to my trusty spreadsheet, if I were just paying as scheduled, I would make 72 payments and then still have a balance due of $124.05! Can you imagine? You make the payments you are supposed to make, think you are done, but no, you still owe more money. No thanks, Wells Fargo. I made an immediate transfer of $99 (just love having my checking account, mortgage, and car loan all at the same bank) and we are right back to 16k even.
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Car Loan Update