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Archive for June, 2023

Money Out of Sinking Funds

June 27th, 2023 at 03:48 pm

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before but I have a good bit of extended family in this area.  One of my mother's sisters and her husband raised their family in the next little town over.  They had 4 daughters, 3 of whom have spent their lives and raised their families here.  Unfortunately, there is a great deal of substance abuse in the lives of many of these relatives.  I am fond of them and friendly with them, but I am not close with them and do not spend any significant time with them.

Well, about 2 weeks ago SB spotted a flyer which had been posted around town.  A 40 year old woman was missing.  She is the daughter of one of my first cousins.  She was last seen on 6/7/23.  Well, since then her body has been found.  It is very sad. No word yet on if her death was accidental or if foul play was involved. There is a Go Fund Me to cover her final expenses.  I sent $100, so I'm going to transfer it back to myself out of my Gifts sinking fund.

Budget By Paycheck 6/23/23

June 25th, 2023 at 05:52 pm

begin - beginning checking account balance

pr - my net payroll check

SB - my contribution towards our joint living expenses

cash - cash for the next 2 weeks

sf - automatic transfers to sinking funds scheduled for 6/27/23

Citi MC - this payment includes my Verizon bill, my Netflix bill, my Sirius XM bill, a co-pay for prescription refills at $58.32, a donation of $55.84 (details below), and $12.58 for a fast food lunch out.

CarMax - my car payment.  the new balance is $21,221.94

house DP - a contribution to my house down payment fund.  the new balance is $1,696.05

life ins - my monthly life insurance premium.

water club - my tab for the water club at work

end -  ending checking account balance.  I have $750 set aside for dental expenses which are estimated to be approximately 1k.

Donation - I have a niece who is really in to cat rescue.  This niece is my ex-husband's sister's daughter.  Currently, she and her long-term boyfriend are saving up to move (the house they rent is being sold) and she is having trouble affording cat supplies.  She has a wish list on Amazon; I bought her some cat food.


Money Out of Sinking Funds

June 19th, 2023 at 06:00 pm

Today I transferred the following out of sinking funds:

Ins & Reg  $1,086.76  -  6 month insurance premium for 5th wheel and Tucson

R & M  $74.41 - oil change for Tucson

eGadgets  $29.85 - new laptop charger

These charges are all on my Citi MC and the time has come to cough up the money.  When these funds hit checking, I will send them off to Citi.

Budget By Paycheck 6/9/23

June 10th, 2023 at 05:18 pm

Begin - beginning checking account balance ($0.27 interest paid on 5/31/23)

pr - net payroll check

SB - my contribution towards our joint living expenses

cash - cash for the next 2 weeks

sf - automatic sinking funds transfers scheduled for 6/13/23

Citi MC - the balance this time includes a $250 payment to the endodontist and $52.88 for gas (I had Gilligan with me and wanted to pay at the pump)

CarMax - a payment towards my car loan.  The new balance is $21,434.24.

House DP - a contribution to my house down payment fund.  The new balance is $1,537.31.

end - my ending checking account balance.  And that is it, my paycheck is spent.

I have $650 saved for my dental expenses, and have already paid $250.  I need approximately another $350.   When I went to the endodontist, he discovered that I had a fistula.  He did the root canal and treated the fistula.  I have to wait 5 weeks then go back so he can check if the fistula has healed before he is done with me.  Maybe the costs will rise because I will have another office visit.  They didn't say and I didn't ask, but it won't surprise me.