December 27th, 2013 at 05:47 pm
Today I received a sweet $25 from Swagbucks in my PayPal account. It made a lovely little mortgage chip.
A few days ago, I received a check in the mail from Tango in the amount of $4.19. This was also courtesy of Swagbucks somehow, I believe a bonus paid for a particular offer a month or two ago. It also made a lovely little mortgage chip.
Posted in
December 21st, 2013 at 07:42 pm
This last week was lots of fun, though busy.
On Wednesday, I attended the company Xmas party of my part-time job. There weren't many people there I knew, but I had a nice evening anyway.
On Thursday, I met a girlfriend for coffee after work. I hadn't seen her in awhile, and we had a good visit.
On Friday, the "kids" and I went to my mother's. My nephew's step-son was playing basketball in my mother's town, the nephew, his wife, and two of their children came as well. We had a nice time visiting at my mom's house.
Tonight I am going to yet another party, this one in the home of some friends of mine. There will be a white elephant gift exchange, which is always fun with this group.
I redeemed 2500 swagbucks this morning! A sweet $25 mortgage chip is on its way to my Paypal account.
I will work Monday, then have 2 days off! Yay.
Posted in
December 19th, 2013 at 05:52 am
Look at this place. It is priced at 6k less than I paid for my current house.

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I think if I bought something like this to live in, the rents from the other three units would pretty much cover the mortgage, property taxes, and property management company. (If I lived there, I would let the tenants assume I was a renter too). Which would mean I could live there very cheaply, maybe free. That would certainly make my modest income go further. Eventually, the mortgage would be paid in full. What a nice inheritance for my two children.
Besides, it is basically the same as living in a condo. Only better, because if one tenant was unpleasant to live near, I could instruct the property manager to not renew their lease.
Mrs M180 and I have tossed around the idea of buying such a place together. That is a thought, too.
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Retirement Dreams
December 16th, 2013 at 08:53 pm
My company Xmas party was this past Saturday evening. Our little group was served dinner in the wine cellar of a local restaurant. It was very private, which made the atmosphere very comfortable. I think everyone present had a little too much to drink. We stayed late and laughed often. What a fun evening! 
My Xmas bonus this year was $2,100. I have already sent $600 off to my traditional IRA, and the remainder off to Visa. Kind of a bummer that I didn't get to keep some, but paying that Visa down to zero every month is a higher priority.
On payday, I did a wallet sweep and sent $2 off to the mortgage. Today I received $3 from PineCone, and have sent that off as well.
Posted in
December 12th, 2013 at 04:50 pm
Yesterday I set up the 2013 income tax software on my desktop at work. To do a test run, I plugged in most of my tax numbers. Bad news (but not unexpected). I owe $1578 federal. I will get a state refund of about $1000 to help (don't have California software set up yet, so estimating).
I asked my boss to withhold an additional $300 next payday, because that will get my balance due low enough that I won't owe a penalty as well.
I also changed my withholding, so will see a little less take home pay. I will have to jiggle my budget around a little bit.
In other news, I got my eyebrows threaded last night, and they look fabulous. I was overdue, and I have my company Xmas party this Saturday. I can't have caterpillars crawling on my forehead.
Posted in
December 5th, 2013 at 04:29 pm
This month's mortgage chips were:
WF Visa $25.00
budgeted extra $13.62
wallet sweeps $10.00
Pine Cone $6.00
HauserNet $3.50
Chips for the month: $58.12
After making my regular payment, my mortgage balance is down to $175,577.08.
Chips to date: $389.94
Interest savings this month: $1.29
Interest savings to date: $5.83
Eventually, the interest savings on the chips I have already made will compound to $892.81, provided I own this house until the mortgage is paid in full.
Beginning Jan 1st, I intend to bump my automatic mortgage payment up another $5.
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Mortgage Chips