Home > Year End Number Crunching

Year End Number Crunching

January 13th, 2011 at 05:40 am

At the end of the year, I like to look at the current value of my nest egg and make some projections.

In my tax-deferred accounts:

My minimum goal is 600k.

If I stop contributing now and earn 7%, I will have 487k at age 65, 558k at age 67.

If I continue contributing at my current rate and earn 7%, I will have 632k at age 65, 731k at age 67.

In my Roth:

My minimum goal is 150k.

If I stop contributing now and earn 7%, I will have 33k at age 65, 38k at age 67.

If I continue contributing at my current rate and earn 7%, I will have 131k at age 65, 155k at age 67.

I also crunch what I will have if I earn 5%, 6%, 8%, or 9%. Those 8s and 9s sure are pretty! However, I think 7 is a more reasonable assumption.

2 Responses to “Year End Number Crunching”

  1. patientsaver Says:

    What about if you wanted to retire early? Any interest in doing so if you could make it work?

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Yes, I absolutely would love to. Realistically, I think part-time work may be achievable.

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