Home > Offermatic Rebates

Offermatic Rebates

March 8th, 2011 at 01:35 am

I received e-mails today about my two Offermatic rebates. You have to follow the link in the e-mail which takes you to Offermatic, log-in, and then enter your credit card information. The rebates are pending. Smile

I don't think I am going to chip my rebates. I think I will just use them to help me keep my total credit card charges down to my budgeted $400 per month, something I have not managed yet!

I hope I get some new offers soon. I especially like those gas ones!

1 Responses to “Offermatic Rebates”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    I got mine today too! I haven't been getting any new offers, though, and it looks like the only way to increase your points is to refer friends. I hate that! But glad they paid off anyway...

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