On Monday I received a check from InBox Dollars for $47.01. I have already sent it off to B of A (the Evil Empire )towards my Visa.
Yesterday I received a check for $863.68 from my ex-husband for my half of our life insurance policy proceeds. I have deposited it, but that is as far as I have gotten.
Yesterday was BFs birthday. I forgot! My daughter texted me in the afternoon to wish BF a happy birthday from her (she had seen it on Facebook). When I got home, I learned that BF didnt realize the date, so he didnt know I had forgotten. LOL! It was a milestone for him too, the big five oh.
I am feeling tired today. I work until 7 most days and have been working most Sundays since late January. For some reason, my OT isn't adding up too well. OK, OK, I know the reason. I am not the worlds most punctual employee, I often arrive a bit late in the mornings. For that reason, I only count 1 hr OT per day, even though it is closer to 2, and even though I seldom get even a 45 min lunch hour. Also, I do take the occasional Savings Advice break. Its guilt. :P On Sundays, I usually only work 5 hours. Since we are officially closed, I can get a lot of work done in 5 uninterrupted hours.
Recent Receipts
April 7th, 2011 at 04:03 am