Here we are in August. My utility bills are huge. My grocery bills are huge. My car insurance is due. My son goes back to school next week.
No matter how you slice it, August is going to be very rough on my checking account.
On the plus side, my ex-h has finally coughed up $100 towards his half of summer camp.
Yesterday we found a second hand bike for $75 for my son to use for transportation. His last bike was stolen from our front yard. I didn't want to buy another new one. The bike we found has new tires and tubes and is in good condition.
I was able to get an inter-district transfer for my son to our city's best high school. This means no school bus service and it is too far for him to walk or ride his bike. The father of one of my son's friends who lives less than 1 mile from the high school invited me to leave my son's bike at their place, drop my son there in the morning, and let the boys bike to school together. After school, I can pick son up there. On rainy days, the boys can catch the city bus and ride that. This sounded like a great idea to everyone, so that is what we are going to do.
August Will Be Hard on My Checking Account
August 1st, 2011 at 04:27 pm
August 1st, 2011 at 05:48 pm 1312217283