Home > August 2011 Budget Report

August 2011 Budget Report

September 1st, 2011 at 06:17 pm

Everything else this month includes my car insurance, flashcards I bought to help me study ($300 + shipping from Becker, found them on eBay for $169.50 including shipping), and son's back to school expenses.

I just squeaked by on groceries, but those utilities! Waaaaahhhh! (that is me squawling like a baby) That's not even the awful part. The awful part is my next electric bill was in my mailbox yesterday. It is even bigger than the last one.

2 Responses to “August 2011 Budget Report”

  1. Nika Says:

    It looks like everybody's life insurance is so cheap! Can I ask how much coverage? We are much younger and in good health, yet we are paying $100 a month for the both of us. ugghh

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Hi Nika. I have term life insurance in the amount of 50k. When I was younger (and my children were younger) I carried a lot more. At this point, I feel I don't need much.

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