Home > Mortgage Payment #42

Mortgage Payment #42

October 6th, 2011 at 05:56 pm

Payment #358 is gone baby, gone.

I got very close to breaking 181k. Smile

September was a good month for mortgage chips.

5 Responses to “Mortgage Payment #42”

  1. Ima saver Says:


  2. Ladya70 Says:

    Can you please explaining "Mortgage Chip"? I'm currently also paying extra on my mortgage and would like to know how others are doing.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    @Ima, thank you!

    @Ladya, whenever I pay a bit extra, I call that a "chip". I have a few small income streams which I use for that purpose. Best of luck to you with your mortgage chipping.

  4. Ladya70 Says:

    I think I like the term mortgage chipping, it's like you're "chipping" away at the balance. I think I will start using it. Do you have a special excel worksheet that you use to keep track?

  5. Petunia 100 Says:

    Yes, I do have a spreadsheet that I use. It wasn't a template, I just made it myself. I started with my amortization as scheduled. Then as each payment is made, I plug in what I have actually paid and highlight that month. I have it set up with formulas so that each time I prepay any amount at all, each line recalculates and I can see the impact at the very end. That's really what motivates me, seeing that last payment shrink until it disappears.

    The spreadsheet comes in very handy to play "what if" (as in "what if I pay $x extra each month or each year). The picture in this post is part of my spreadsheet.

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