Home > Kindle Fire? iPad2? Galaxy Tab? Other?

Kindle Fire? iPad2? Galaxy Tab? Other?

October 17th, 2011 at 07:00 pm

Ex-h and I had been planning to buy an iPad2 for our son for Christmas (splitting the cost). But now that the Kindle Fire is out, at a price $300 less than the iPad2, we are giving that a look.

Any tablet owners out there with an opinion?

EDIT: My son does not have his own laptop. So he borrows mine or BF's or his Dad's (when he is there). He loves to play games, and would also surf. Possibly, he might even do some homework. (Yeah, it could happen.) For word processing, he would just use my laptop.

3 Responses to “Kindle Fire? iPad2? Galaxy Tab? Other?”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Well, I think it depends what you want it for.

    I know my dh has mentioned the Kindle Fire won't have a camera (& no 4G?). But for just a toy, I sure rather spend $200. We are just getting it because we can get it for free, but want to try it since my son has been using iPads at school and thinking it would be nice to have a tablet at home. The kids have also been playing with dh's kindle a bit, so would be a huge step up from that.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    correction: 3G. It doesn't have 3G, bluetooth, or cameras, apparently.

    But if this is your son's only computer, he may be better off with the iPad.

    The Fire hasn't come out yet, so I'd wait for the real reviews before considering that one, anyway. All they have released is all the specs.

  3. Nika Says:

    The only reason I would consider any of the cheaper option to the iPad 2 is if I believed that the child will loose it or break it/drown it... fairly fast.

    Kindle is not out yet, but it won't be able to compete with iPad in terms of quality. There is a reason this market belongs to Apple -- there is just nothing like it.

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