Home > Possible Part-Time Job

Possible Part-Time Job

March 8th, 2013 at 03:30 am

I got a call this afternoon from a woman I used to work with. Her employer has been experiencing financial challenges. As a result, they have cut way back on their staff. A few years ago, they made the decision to cut their full-charge bookkeeper and have a member of their board of directors issue their financial statements. That board member has recently decided he isn't going to do it any longer. This prompted her call to me.

She called and asked if I would be interested, and if so what I would charge. I considered and said I would be willing to do it for $20 an hour and that they would have to pay me promptly (they are behind on a lot of their payables). I believe once I get my system situated, I could issue their statements with 4 to 6 hours of work, once per month. She will inform the board member and he will call me back, or he won't.

This is something I would have to juggle at night or on weekends, which is some trick this time of year. However, most of the year it would be very easy to fit in.

If I said I would do it for $12 or $14, I'm sure they would kiss me on both cheeks and ask when I can start. However, $20 is on the low end of fair, and I'm not giving my time away.

I don't NEED the money, but I don't feel I'm in a position to pass it up, either. I'm certainly a long way from where I would like to be financially.

1 Responses to “Possible Part-Time Job”

  1. Wino Says:

    Good luck on getting the work. I don't think I'd give up any of my sparse free time for less than $20 per hour.

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