One locale I think about from time to time is Reno, Nevada. Why Reno? Climates with dry air appeal to me, due to my mold allergies. There are other locales which interest me, but Reno has the advantage of being close enough to "home" to be driveable for visits.
So yesterday I was browsing real estate listings and saw this:
Now, doesn't that look like a nice little house? 81.5k. That would be very affordable. My minimum income requirement would be so much lower than now.
In budgeting news, I have decided to bump my mortgage payment up from $1081.63 to $1085. Not much, but something.
March 23rd, 2013 at 06:32 pm 1364063569
March 24th, 2013 at 12:19 am 1364084398