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Part-Time Job Off To A Fine Start

May 20th, 2013 at 01:06 am

I worked a total of 7 hours at my new part-time job. I expect future months will require less time, as I am now familiar with their system and should be able to find the information I need more quickly. I will send them a bill for $140 tomorrow, and will look forward to adding it to E Fund.

Someone at my son's school has learned his lunch account number and password, and so has been eating their meals at my expense. The school will not allow him to change either his account number or his password, so he will no longer be using the account at all. This means no more checks; I must make certain he has sufficient cash.

So, there goes the last regular bill/expense I have been paying with paper checks. I have 100 or so unused checks, which it seems will last me the rest of my life. However, I will need to order checks from time to time just to get a new register! I do get my checks free of charge, so that is good. With the way banking has changed, you'd think they would be making thicker registers, or putting more than one in an order of checks. Perhaps I will switch to keeping my checkbook register on an Excel spreadsheet.

In front planter news, today I uprooted all of my lamb's ear. I think it is possible I will have the remainder of the rocks removed this week! Then next weekend, I will work on mixing in good soil. My soil is so sandy.

The fabric cover for my pergola shipped via UPS Friday and is supposed to arrive Wednesday. BF plans to come down next weekend, so I will ask him to put it up for me.

I have been listening to some very good audiobooks lately. I love it when one unexpectedly touches on topics which interest me.

One such audiobook was "The Lake of Dreams" by Kim Edwards. The main character is a young adult woman who begins looking into her family history and tracing the story of her great-grandfather's sister. It veers into women's suffrage and the plight of the working poor in times past.

Right now I am listening to "Remarkable Creatures" by Tracy Chevalier. It is set in the 1800s and is about two women of different social classes who become friends and have an interest in fossil hunting and collection. It also touches on the plight of the working poor in times past and gender inequality.

I don't know that I have ever seen

Text is and Link is mentioned here at SA. If you don't know, goodreads is a free site which allows you to keep track of books you have read, want to read, and/or are currently reading; and to rate them. You can then get recommendations on other books you might like. You can make "bookshelves" and title them anything you like, then place your books on those shelves. So, you can have your "mystery" books together, your "classics" together, etc. There is an area called "listopia" which is comprised of member submitted lists. For example, one list is "Books everyone should read at least once". Each member may submit a limited number of books to each list and also cast a limited number of votes. Books with the most votes are at the top of the list. This is another great way to find books you might like to read.

6 Responses to “Part-Time Job Off To A Fine Start”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    You can ask for extra registers at your bank. They have always given me several when I've asked.
    The goodreads site sounds cool - Thanks!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    I read Remarkable Creatures and very much enjoyed it too!

  3. jewels3 Says:

    You can also order registers on Amazon- usually $6 for 4 or 5 registers

  4. PNW Mom Says:

    Love goodreads! Also, can't believe the school won't work with you on your son's!

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    It is ridiculous that the school won't let you change the password on your kid's account. Especially knowing that theft has been occurring. Can they at least flag the account so that if the thief tries to use it again he will be caught? Or will they just make you be responsible for any overage that might be charged to the account even though it has a $0 balance?

  6. Petunia 100 Says:

    Lucky Robin, the school assigns the account numbers and passwords. They say they do not have the ability to change passwords or flag accounts. I agree, it's pretty ridiculous. Fortunately, the lunch accounts are prepaid and do not allow any negative spending, so I won't end up with a balance due.

    Looking Forward, I hadn't thought to ask the bank for additional registers. I will ask the next time I go, thanks! Smile

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