Home > Holiday Parties

Holiday Parties

December 21st, 2013 at 07:42 pm

This last week was lots of fun, though busy.

On Wednesday, I attended the company Xmas party of my part-time job. There weren't many people there I knew, but I had a nice evening anyway.

On Thursday, I met a girlfriend for coffee after work. I hadn't seen her in awhile, and we had a good visit.

On Friday, the "kids" and I went to my mother's. My nephew's step-son was playing basketball in my mother's town, the nephew, his wife, and two of their children came as well. We had a nice time visiting at my mom's house.

Tonight I am going to yet another party, this one in the home of some friends of mine. There will be a white elephant gift exchange, which is always fun with this group.

I redeemed 2500 swagbucks this morning! A sweet $25 mortgage chip is on its way to my Paypal account.

I will work Monday, then have 2 days off! Yay.

3 Responses to “Holiday Parties”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    I seem to not do any good with Swagbucks. Any tips? I also see you are on Good Reads. I am too. Please follow me.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Sounds like good times! Enjoy your holiday.
    @SicilyYoder, on my sidebar pages, there is a link I did to a post in May about earning on Swagbucks. Not all of it is relevant now, but it should help you get started.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    Sicily, I never got anywhere with Swagbucks until I read CCF's post about it. Her advice to just start with one thing is very good advice, IMO. Now I am regularly hitting the first goal every day, which will result in a nice bonus at the end of the month. Smile

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