Home > Time to Plan My Exit

Time to Plan My Exit

March 22nd, 2015 at 05:04 pm

Well, once again the nut trees are all in bloom and I cough day and night. Cough until I am dizzy, cough until I vomit, then cough some more. Last year in spring I coughed for only one month and I was euphoric. (Last year was my first spring on allergy shots.) This year it has been almost two months already and the cough is still here. So I don't know if this spring is worse or the shots become less effective over time or what.

Once the cough is finally gone, I will have several months without it until it is time to harvest the nut trees, then the cough will be back.

I am ready to leave this nonsense behind and plan my exit. I intend to list my house for sale next spring come what may. Once it is sold, I will move into an apartment and then begin my long-distance job hunt. If I have to accept a lesser job with a lesser salary, that is what I am going to do.

I am planning to relocate to Reno, Nevada. The high elevation and dry air are exactly what my allergy doctor says I need. The relative proximity is great as I will still be able to visit with my mother. (About a 4 hour drive from Reno to my mom's house). There will be some adjustments, but I choose to look at it as a grand adventure.

BF intends to move with me. Everything is very good between us. He has a part-time job here in my town now. His bridge loan did fund but I was not repaid as the proceeds were much less than planned. He was required to pay 12 months interest up front, which was sprung on him at the last minute. That came out of his proceeds and did not leave him with much. (The first six months is non-refundable, the second six months is). However, the contractor and all sub-contractors were paid in full to date, so the contractor is moving ahead with the last few things. Fingers crossed that the house goes on MLS shortly.

7 Responses to “Time to Plan My Exit”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    When are you moving? Are we in a race? Unfortunately my DH and kids will have to suffer part of the season where we are with allergies. They are a severe ragweed an other allergies. Both kids are on allegra 2x/day and DH is on constant zytec and allegra rotation. And at that some days he can't work when his eyes swell. Unfortunately Southern CA with desert was best for him. It is a grand adventure and one I can't wait for.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Lots of big moves on the blogs lately! I never had any allergy problems in the Bay Area, but I see that not being the most ideal locale. Kind of pricey! (Sacto is pretty terrible on the allergy side of things, though I guess I can appreciate not *that* bad).

    Wait. No Colorado Springs?

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I've been having major allergy issues here in NE. Talking to my mom the other day and she suggested I see an allergist ... I'm thinking of doing that. Allergies can be so debilitating.

  4. NJDebbie Says:

    Same here, feeling miserable. The ground is still covered with snow, it must be in the air.

  5. chloe Says:

    Among me and my friends, a lot of our allergy issues seem to be from now living in different places than where we grew up, with different pollen in the air. Don't know if that's a thing -- I feel like allergy science isn't fully understood, even though in general we know so much about how our bodies and illness work.

    I hope your BF's house sells quickly and easily!

  6. Petunia 100 Says:

    MM, you must have a very good memory! I have had Colorado Springs in mind for the last decade, but family obligations make Reno more sensible. My mother will likely rely on me more and more in the years to come. Also, last year I agreed to be my birth uncle's advocate should he outlive his sisters (one of whom is my birth mom). There isn't too much involved with that, mostly just submit his requests for funds to the custodian of his trust, but I would want to check up on him once a year or so. He lives in the LA area.

    LAL, I don't know exactly when it will be. Hopefully summer 2016, but I will have to wait for my house to sell.

    I have lived in this area since I was 9 years old. My allergies didn't start until my mid 30s. First it was reactions to a certain type of mold in the air, breaking out in hives and water blisters when exposed. The cough which will not die started about 4 years ago. It doesn't sound too serious I know, but it is miserable. It's hard to function at work when every spoken sentence is interrupted with coughing. It's hard to sleep at night. My throat gets raw from coughing after a few weeks. My head does get plugged up, but I don't have the runny nose and watery eyes that most allergy sufferers endure. Not so far, at least.

  7. CB in the City Says:

    Best of luck! It's exciting watching my cyberfriends pull up roots and move on to bigger and better things!

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