Home > July 2016 Budget Report; J Has a Second Job

July 2016 Budget Report; J Has a Second Job

July 31st, 2016 at 09:29 pm

I have to say, I think it is going very well using cash for groceries, gas, and my personal allowance. Categorizing my credit card transactions is a snap, even if I am using more than one rewards card. Smile

I had a 10 work-day paycheck, so that left my income a little light. I also enjoyed a raise in July, so that helped.

I expect to go a little over on the mortgage, because I round up to enjoy having an even balance.

As I noted earlier, savings was anemic in July. Frown

Did great on utilities. I am expecting my natural gas bill to drop soon, maybe one more month of paying $68. I currently have a credit balance. I am on balanced bill pay, so I have to keep paying $68 until they recalculate.

Have been doing great on groceries, which is all thanks to SB. He takes the time to visit different stores on his way home from work. He will stop at a grocery outlet and see what they have for cheap, then cook meals around that. He does an awesome job. He does most of the cooking, too. I really can't complain. Smile

Everything else this month included my new phone (184.43), a trip to the dentist for J (85.00) as well as miscellaneous household. The phone was just a want, but everything else was necessary.

And now for the exciting news...J has started another part-time job! He is keeping his first one. This one will give him about 25 hours per week. He is very happy about the job. He will earn enough money to start saving for some things he wants as well as take over more of his own expenses. I'm so glad for him. MrsM180 helped him get his foot in the door. I always enjoy catching one of my kids being nice to the other. Smile

And I won't lie, I'm excited about the positive impact to my own budget. I want to reach my goals.

3 Responses to “July 2016 Budget Report; J Has a Second Job”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is good news!

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    Yes, very good news..awesome.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Yay for great news!

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