I have just learned I have a large and potentially quite expensive home repair which must be done ASAP.
The 4th and smallest bedroom in my house, which is used as storage and seldom visited by anyone, has a large hole in the ceiling. And it's dripping water. And I'm going to guess this has been a problem for awhile but I did not know.
My AC unit is roof mounted and not too far from the hole in the ceiling. As it has not rained in quite some time, I suspect the AC unit is the source of the water.
I have a call in to an emergency AC repair place. I need the AC inspected and possibly repaired. If it's not the AC, I guess my next call will be to a plumber.
The water leak will have to be addressed before the ceiling repairs can even start.
I have to leave in about 6 hours. I am going to have to rely on J to deal with the repair people here, though of course I am available by phone and e-mail.
Remember: don't worry, be happy.
Emergency Home Repair Situation
September 17th, 2017 at 05:37 pm
September 17th, 2017 at 09:04 pm 1505678642
September 18th, 2017 at 12:37 am 1505691455