Home > Plan With Me; February 2018 Budget

Plan With Me; February 2018 Budget

February 3rd, 2018 at 01:54 am

I will receive my one-time $2400 bonus in February. I'm guesstimating $1400 in take home pay.

$350 for concert tickets? SB and I are going to see James Taylor (squeee!) and Bonnie Raitt in June in Sacramento. And then in September, we will see the Eagles and the Zac Brown Band in San Francisco. (Vince Gil is singing in place of the late Glenn Frey). My brother and sister-in-law are also going. Possibly a nephew and his wife too, but they haven't decided. (This nephew is the son of my deceased brother). If they decide not to go, my brother will sell those two tickets to the highest bidder. Neither concert is cheap. The $350 is just for me. I'm going to pay for mine this month and be done with it.

4 Responses to “Plan With Me; February 2018 Budget”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The concerts sound fabulous. I'd go to any of them. Smile

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Agreed on the concerts!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I saw James Taylor years ago. It was a wonderful concert. And I've also seen Don Henley -- another wonderful concert! Great experiences are worth the money.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Enjoy the concerts!

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