Home > Rental Status

Rental Status

March 25th, 2018 at 07:40 pm

Today is March 25 and I am still waiting for the rent which was due March 1. When I contacted my tenant on March 9, I was told that the rent had been mailed on the 5th. When I contacted the tenant on the 12th, I was told that the envelope had been returned for lack of postage. Oops, so sorry. This past week, I was told that the money order has been cancelled and now I will receive a check from Wal-Mart (where the money order was purchased).

Update: When a Wal-Mart money order is cancelled, Wal-Mart sends a refund to the purchaser. This makes sense, but is not what the tenant told me. I conclude he either misunderstood or is being less than truthful.

As it happens, my son and daughter-in-law gave a 30 day notice to the tenant and are moving shortly (they were sub-letting a room).

So I am left unsure if this is an honest mistake or if a decision has been made to move and this is a stall tactic while unpaid rent accumulates. Either way, I am considering how much I want to tolerate before retaining an attorney and beginning eviction. If I need to go that route, the house is going on the market. I will not look for another tenant.

We are in early planning stages for a family cruise. Probably Mexico.

3 Responses to “Rental Status”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Non payment from renters is one reason I don't want to be a landlord. Do they have some sort of proof from Walmart that this is what is happening? Is that what Walmart does issue a refund check to a third party? I hope it works out in your favor soon.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I'm so sorry. It sounds like they are trying to live rent free while they look for something else. Hope this isn't the case, but nothing surprises me.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    Hi Jan, the tenant asked the same thing. I will not give out my checking account number, but have a savings account at the same bank. I drew the balance down to $10 and sent him some deposit slips. We will see if he uses one soon or not.

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