Home > Paying For The Cruise

Paying For The Cruise

April 15th, 2018 at 08:33 pm

So I've been thinking about how exactly I am going to pay for that planned family cruise. I loathe the debt I am already carrying and am uninterested in carrying more.

After a great deal of consideration, I have decided to cut my 457 plan contributions from 15% to 3%. I will bank the extra take home pay and should have enough by January to pay in full. I need 7k to cover 5 fares, port taxes, gratuities, and air fare for 2. I have $1,356.25 in my travel/vacation fund right now, with 9 more $150 deposits budgeted for this year. That's $2700, I need another $4,300. I calculate I will take home an additional $2,808 this year from reducing 457 contributions. That still leaves $1500. I do have those 2 extra paycheck months. I think I can do it.

I think my retirement plans can withstand the hit. I am on track to surpass my minimum nest egg goal. This trip is very important to me. I will fill out the paperwork tomorrow and expect to see the extra take home pay beginning in May.

2 Responses to “Paying For The Cruise”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Maybe as you plan, you can find other ways to save to help replace some of that retirement money as you go along. Hope you enjoy your trip.

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    HOpefully you can bump the 457 contributions back up as soon as you return

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