Home > Last Match; Cruise is Booked

Last Match; Cruise is Booked

April 23rd, 2018 at 08:23 pm

Last week, my final employee match was made to my Simple IRA, in the amount of $1070.00. I plan to roll it into my Roth IRA and pay the tax. It will be nice to have a bit of new money in there.

I booked our cruise on Saturday and paid an $800 deposit. Princess was having a special promotion, which is still going on I think, no gratuities. I hope that doesn't mean the crew forego their share of the gratuity, but rather that Princess pays it. That saves me $675, my mom $270 and SB $135.

The balance is due Oct 24, my late brother's birthday.

1 Responses to “Last Match; Cruise is Booked”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Yay on the employee match!

    Hope your cruise is a delight.

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