Home > Newest Blog - Quite an Honor!

Newest Blog - Quite an Honor!

October 26th, 2022 at 04:53 pm

Well, just look at this!   My blog is one of the newest on the site!   I started it in December 2010, so I guess that's pretty new?   This is unimportant, it just kind of cracked me up.

5 Responses to “Newest Blog - Quite an Honor!”

  1. Wink Says:

    Me too! Smile I started back in 2011 so....not really new!

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    I noticed you were on the list too, Wink. Too funny. Smile

  3. mumof2 Says:

    I'm on there as well but i am fairly new so thats probably why...but we all know that its the blog post they are talking about not the blogger LOL

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I think the site is reaching for it, right? Not really new, but I guess in the scheme of things, it is some of the newest. Semantics...

  5. Petunia 100 Says:

    @guestpostuser Oh, that makes sense. When did it change, do you know? For years, it was a list of the newest blogs (not blog posts) on the site.

    If I look at the home page right now, the newest blog post is "Thermostat Wars, Covid, and Weight Loss" by Lucky Robin. Lucky Robin's blog does not appear on the list of newest blogs. The second newest blog post is "Personal Info Hacks" by mumof2. mumof2's blog does appear on the list of newest blogs. The third newest blog post is "A Visit from BFF" by CB in the City. CB's blog does not appear on the list of newest blogs. Why is it so inconsistent, do you know? Thanks!

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