Home > Budget By Paycheck 3/31/23

Budget By Paycheck 3/31/23

March 31st, 2023 at 01:36 am

Hello Everyone.  😀

Begin - beginning checking account balance

pr - my net payroll check.  This being the 3rd paycheck of the month, it is a bit larger than usual.  There are no deductions for medical on 3rd paychecks.  A bit of extra money is, of course, always welcome.

SB - my contribution towards our joint household expenses.

cash - cash for gas, personal, and misc for the next 2 weeks.  I still had $140 in my wallet, so only needed an additional $120. I have been teleworking so frequently that I just haven't been spending as much gas money.  Plus, I used my credit card once for gas for the sake of convenience.  I had Gilligan with me and wanted to just pay at the pump.

sf - automatic transfers to my sinking funds.  These will occur this coming Tuesday.

roth - a Roth IRA contribution

Citi MC - the balance on my Citi MC.  This includes a tank of gas ($56.64), credits used to solve puzzles on ($12), and a quick lunch at Jack in the Box ($13.59).  Can we just pause for a moment to say that fast food prices are getting quite high?  I ordered a chicken sandwich, a medium lemonade, and a small plain hamburger for Gilligan. $13.59! I did not use cash because they were only accepting cards at the time.

WF Visa - hygiene products SB picked up for me at the grocery store. 

life ins - monthly life insurance premium

CarMax - I was able to send $637 to my car loan!  This amount includes an additional $405.99 towards principal.  The new balance is $22,759.03.

house DP - a tiny contribution to my house down payment fund

Broad - a loan to a friend.  This woman and I call each other "Broad".  She was having a bit of a financial crisis, asked me for a loan, and I chose to lend it to her.  I do feel confident she will repay me.

end - ending checking account balance.

And that is it; no more transactions until next payday.

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