Home > Made A BIG Decision

Made A BIG Decision

July 13th, 2023 at 07:06 pm

I have made a really huge decision.  I can't believe that I am doing this, but I am. Smile

My boss is on vacation this week, so next week I will tell her that my last day will be Friday, Sept. 1.  I am wrapping up my life here and moving to Carbondale.

There is still much up in the air, but each kerfuffle will be dealt with as it arises.  Just like life, right?

I will have my health insurance through the end of September.  I can buy a silver plan on Covered California for $165.29 per month, which I will do until I am settled in Illinois.

I will sell the 5th wheel, SB and I will sell the truck, SB will sell his Toyota Corolla.  We will move in my Hyundai Tucson.

I had previously shared a link to a little white house with orangey-brown trim.  Well, it is back on the market.  My son has a scheduled showing this coming Tuesday and will video it for me.  Google Earth shows it is in a nieghborhood of houses and big trees, a few parks, no businesses.  And it is only a few blocks from the university campus.  It is 1.3 miles from my son's house, 5.8 miles from my daughter's house.  I am fairly certain I am going to buy it.

I do not qualify for a mortgage.  Purchasing this home will take all of my Roth IRA contributions plus most of my current savings.  This is not ideal, but it is the situation. I will of course have the proceeds from selling the 5th wheel and truck, and once separated I can access the 24k in my 457 plan, taxable but no penalty.  That is what I will have to live on until I am settled and have found a new job.

Oh, and I will still have my car loan.  I had wanted to pay it in full before moving, but paying 50K + closing costs for a house makes that not possible.  I won't have a mortgage payment though, so there is that.

I am still going to take my "vacation" to Illinois Sept 9-16.  The airfare I bought was nonrefundable.  We could cancel the airbnb, but I really don't want to.  Besides, this will be a good opportunity to get the house set up a bit.  

If purchasing this particular home does not work out, I am moving anyway.  All of my plans will stay the same except I will need to find a rental with cash in hand but no job. 

So, that is my news.

UPDATE:  I have submitted my offer of 50k cash contingent on inspections, requested the seller to pay for a 1 year home warranty, requested 21 days to do inspections, requested a closing date of 8/31.  The tenants have until 7/31 to vacate, so I cannot do any inspections until then.

5 Responses to “Made A BIG Decision”

  1. terri77 Says:

    So exciting! I know that will be a wonderful life change to be so close to your family.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    wow how exciting...heres to a new exciting chapter in your life

  3. Amber Says:

    Wow, this is awesome, congratulations

  4. Wink Says:

    Very exciting! I think you will do great, even with the unknowns. I look forward to your updates on this journey!

  5. Dido Says:

    Congrats on making the decision and I hope all the pieces fall into place as you have planned!

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