Home > Income Tax Returns Efiled

Income Tax Returns Efiled

January 24th, 2012 at 06:18 pm

I submitted my income tax returns this morning. I will be receiving $1100 from the state and $763 federal. This was my last 1k child credit.

I replied to ex-h and suggested we split the insurance increase and change the cs to $200 every two weeks (from $226). I also asked if "defer" meant for two weeks or for some other time period. We will see what he says.

3 Responses to “Income Tax Returns Efiled”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    I'm amazed. We haven't even gotten our W-2s yet.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Is this something that should be put in writing?

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    @Thriftorama, mine are simple. Plus I have the software right on my desktop.

    @Joan of the Arch, I would think he would want it in writing. If I were him, I certainly would.

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