Home > Mortgage chips To Date

Mortgage chips To Date

October 5th, 2015 at 07:47 pm

I have made my scheduled mortgage payment, along with an extra $3.98. I received another $25 credit from WF Home Rewards Visa. My new balance is $167,950.00.

Chips to date: $1,787.56

Interest savings this month: $6.41

Interest savings to date: $112.91

Eventually, the interest savings on the chips I have already made will compound to $3,828.01, provided I own this house until the mortgage is paid in full. Which I won't. Stick Out Tongue

I did not update my "My Mortgage Amortization" page, since the pics won't upload anyway.

Next month should see another $25 chip from credit card rewards.

3 Responses to “Mortgage chips To Date”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good going!

  2. bluesfemme Says:

    I know it's frustrating about the pics. But I just wanted to thank you, as the reason I have an excel amortization s/sheet, with loads of cells calculating interest saved, payoff dates, principle% paid etc is because of yours. It makes me so focused on chipping away - and works - so thanks!

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    I'm so glad bluesfemme, thank you. Smile

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