Home > New Budget Spreadsheet

New Budget Spreadsheet

December 2nd, 2019 at 02:07 am

Here is a new spreadsheet I have been working on. As you can see, it is a bit more detailed than the one I have used in the past. It is basically showing a summary of every transaction in my checking account for the month of November 2019.

So it begins with an area labeled "Income" and colored yellow. "Income" is a bit too narrow of a description, as it also includes money transferred in from other accounts as well the beginning balance of my checking account, labeled "Buffer". So a more accurate description would be "money I had to work with this month".

The second area is labeled "Cash" and is colored green. This is the cash I withdraw on paydays.

The third area is labeled "Fixed Expenses", is colored purple, and includes the monthly bills I am currently paying.

The fourth area is labeled "Sinking Funds" and is pinkish-red. This shows the money being tucked away into sinking funds. The area extends to the right to show a summary of the transactions in the particular sinking fund and its balance.

The fifth area labeled "Other" and colored blue is for transactions not included elsewhere. The yellow line on the bottom is a grand total.

And then the last section labeled "Checking" and colored green is the amount I need to leave in checking at the end of the month. Everything left in checking above that amount can be thrown at my current goal, which at this time is debt.

I'm liking this spreadsheet. It is pulling all of my current, relevant info together in one place.

2 Responses to “New Budget Spreadsheet”

  1. Jenn Says:

    This is nice!! It's interesting to see your sinking funds. It's a view we don't typically get from the SA bloggers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Thanks, Jenn! Smile

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