Home > July 2020 Budget Report

July 2020 Budget Report

August 7th, 2020 at 04:13 am

Wages -So, my net pay has dropped by approximate $12.60 per paycheck due to my pension contribution rising a bit.

Transfer In - I estimated I would spend $300 on my trip with Mom to Manhattan, NV but transferred $259.98 because I thought that was what I had spent. I actually miscalculated (more on that further down).

Also, my son-in-law's birthday is in July. I always send my kids and their spouses $50 for their birthdays.

Other - I sold an unneeded item for $100. Yay!

I spent less cash than budgeted. Always nice. Smile

My phone bill was a bit higher than expected, but otherwise no surprises here.

Two sinking fund deposits of $230 each happened in July.

Extra principal - I sent $783.04 to extra principal, less than planned.

Mom-Amazon - Items Mom wanted which I ordered for her. She will reimburse me (and has by now, just not during July).

Broad loan - A short-term loan to a friend. We call each other "Broad".

Mom-trip - Mom's share of expenses for our road trip. She will reimburse me (and has by now, just not during July).

Sheets - A new set of sheets for our bed.

Bra - A new bra. I did not pull money from my clothing sinking fund to reimburse myself, but I probably should have.

Meal-trip - A meal which I inadvertently did not add to the cost of the Manhattan trip. I did not pull money from my travel/vacation fund to reimburse myself, but I probably should have.

July ended with $1,083.57 in checking.

I wanted to end the month with $1,055.07 in checking. Apparently, I subtracted my life insurance premium twice when calculating how much extra principal I could send to my 5th wheel loan. I should have sent $28.50 more.

Lots of little math errors this month, I don't know what to tell you.

1 Responses to “July 2020 Budget Report”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    I always enjoy looking at your budget. It's nice to spend less on gas these days.

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