Home > CitiBank Personal Loan Paid in Full

CitiBank Personal Loan Paid in Full

February 4th, 2025 at 02:02 am

With great pleasure I can share that I paid the last bit owing on my CitiBank personal loan today.  This was the 20k loan I took right before "retiring" from El Dorado County.  It helped me to cover expenses and make ends meet while I was getting settled.  And now it is history.  Yay!

I have recently received a raise which was certainly welcome.  I am now earning $20 per hour, which isn't so bad for this area.

I completed my 2024 income tax returns over the weekend and was so relieved that I am receiving a small federal refund.  Last year, I withdrew 26k from my 457 plan as well as worked most of the year.  I knew that CalPers had overwithheld federal income taxes, so I guesstimated the income I should report to  My goal was to minimize my monthly premium payment while still not ending up with a balance due on my 1040.  I am receiving a small state refund as well, just under 1k combined.

Also, I wanted to share about a delicious tomato soup recipe I stumbled upon.  There is a YouTuber called "Frugal Southern Mama" who shares cheap recipes.  Some of her recipes I would not even consider eating, just a little caveat should you wish to give her a watch.  But this particular recipe makes the most delicious tomato soup.  You cut up some tomatoes and an onion, drizzle with oil and bake them in the oven.  Meanwhile, you add tomato bouillon to water in a pot and start that cooking.  Add the baked tomatoes and onion and blend.  She makes some croutons out of white bread with butter and garlic salt to top the soup.  SB made the soup Saturday for lunch.  It was delicious and there was enough left for dinner too.  We liked it so much, he made it again on Sunday and we had it for both lunch and dinner again!  Yummy.  And it cost about $5 per pot, so it is quite economical.  Until this point, I had been blissfully unaware that there was even such a thing as tomato bouillon.  But there is and my goodness does it make a delicious soup.  If you're interested in watching FSM make it, it is on a recent video titled "5 Dinners for $25".

9 Responses to “CitiBank Personal Loan Paid in Full”

  1. RB Says:

    Great job paying off your debt! It feels great to see that balance go to zero.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    that is awesome to pay off your loan..yah extra money in your pocket

  3. Amber Says:


  4. rob62521 Says:

    Congratulations on paying off the loan!

    I've seen some of the Southern Frugal Mama stuff on Facebook. Like you, some are not even for consideration, but this soup recipe looks like a winner!

  5. CB in the City Says:

    Congrats on the loan payoff. I know that feels so good.

  6. Dido Says:

    Congrats on the loan payoff!

    I've never heard of tomato bullion before.

  7. LifeBalance Says:

    Good for you! I know that's a load off your back. Over the years you've been diligent about paying off debt and usually earlier than scheduled. Congratulations.

  8. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Yay what a load off your back.

  9. Tabs Says:


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