Harp 2 Revisited
April 30th, 2012 at 08:57 pmGood news! It seems Harp 2 rates have come down a bit. Two months ago, I was offered 4.625% with no points. Today, I can get 4.375% with 1/4 of a point, approximately $450.00. I am moving ahead with the refi, which I am told will take approximately 60 days. This will drop my PITI approximately $150 per month, but reset my mortgage clock.
The month I skip a mortgage payment, I will pay Citi MC in full and just be done with it. That will free up an additional $50 per month.
What will I do with an additional $200 per month? I am thinking Roth and cash savings.
Vanguard Has Accepted Me!!
April 26th, 2012 at 09:57 pmI sent in new paperwork on Monday, and this afternoon I received an e-mail with a confirmation link to register for the small business site. I am now the plan administrator and company contact of my own Simple IRA! Whoo-hoo!!
I logged off the small business site and logged on to the personal investor site, and my Simple shows up on my page there, too! Now to send some money.
Yay!! I feel like this is such a huge boost to my bottom line! No more front end loads and no more high on-going expense ratios should help me keep more of my dollars.
Simple IRA Solution, I Hope
April 24th, 2012 at 08:02 pmYesterday I filled out a new set of paperwork, naming myself as the company contact and plan administrator. My boss said that was just fine. So with my fingers crossed, I am hopeful this will go through with no trouble.
Such a "simple" solution, maybe.
Received $.81 from Lending Club and chipped it.
Vanguard Has Rejected Me :(
April 21st, 2012 at 09:10 pmI received my check from Card Pool on Thursday, and have already turned it into a mortgage chip.
Bad news with my Simple IRA transfer. I received a letter from Vanguard asking me to call. I did so and was told that I need to supply the SSN of the retirement plan contact person at my company. That would be my boss, and he has declined to provide his SSN. So...I cannot move to Vanguard.
I'm very disappointed.
I am checking with Wells Fargo. I know that they offer Simple IRAs, but don't know if they will accept orphaned Simple IRAs, and also don't know if I can set it up as a brokerage account and get the same deal as I have on my plain vanilla traditional IRA (100 commission free trades per year). Heck, if they'd just let me share my free trades between the two, that would be more than sufficient.
As a last resort, I will start a new account at the new company (our old Edward Jones guy recently started) with my two bosses, then roll the money currently in my Simple at Edward Jones to my traditional IRA. My fear is the commissions and fees at the new company will be even worse than they were at Edward Jones. After all, it is a new company with lots of start up costs.
End of Tax Season
April 19th, 2012 at 02:44 amWhat a relief that another tax season has ended. This year was especially exhausting. Our receptionist/secretary needed time off which meant the other staff accountant and I had to take on her duties as well. We hired a temp, she was trained for 5 days, then worked solo for 7 days. She was doing a great job, but stopped showing up. She didn't resign, just stopped showing up. Her agency e-mailed us to say she had a family emergency and had to go out of town. However, we discovered that she left her key in her desk at the end of her last day, even though it would be hours before she would even learn of her family emergency. Hmmmm.
I racked up less overtime this year than last, due to my Bodega Bay overnight trip fiasco, and being sick for 3 weeks. My bonus was $100 larger than last year. Together, I cleared just a few dollars under 4k. I deposited them, then transferred $1400 to vacation fund, $1000 to CurveBall, and $600 to my Roth. I plan to send $400 extra to Citi MC and $170 to my son's mutual fund. (I promised him $300, but he asked for 2 video games. I told him they would come out of his $300.) That's $3570, the rest is sitting in checking.
My Simple IRA transfer is still in transit. I am expecting my matching plus my contributions from Jan - March to be deposited. The transfer is holding up my deposits. Together, that amounts to $1920 which needs to be added to my account. It will be so nice to not lose 5.75% right off the top anymore!
Yesterday in the mail I received a refund from my impound account in the amount of $119.05. I have already turned it into a mortgage chip. Beginning in June, my PITI payment will drop a few dollars. I do not plan to change my budgeted PITI.
Still waiting for my Card Pool check. The website says it takes 3 - 7 business days, and today was only the 3rd business day.
BF brought me a nice big garbage can to keep in the garage for my recyclables. I think that will be nicer than storing them in used grocery store plastic bags. I don't buy a lot of canned sodas, or bottled water, but I do buy some. (I don't like my son to drink a lot of soda, and I rarely drink soda. We have a Brita pitcher for home drinking water.) When my nephew lived here, he would always throw the empty containers away. I got tired of asking him not to, so I started taking them to work with me. I work downtown and park in an alley behind our office. We have a large homeless population downtown. I would simply set my empty containers next to a dumpster, and they wouldn't last 30 minutes. So it worked out both for me and for the person who found them first. However, I think now that I have a nice big plastic can to store them in, I will sell them every so often and use the money for....you guessed it, mortgage chips.
AT & T refund, Wallet Sweep
April 16th, 2012 at 09:04 pmCancelling my landline resulted in a credit balance, and I received a check from AT & T.... in the amount of .05! Uhm, thank you?
Friday was payday, but I didn't make it to the bank until today. I did a wallet sweep and had $9.69 this time.
Both amounts were mortgage chips.
I have been thinking about my front yard, and have come up with a plan which I think will both look nice and give me some private outdoor space. The best part is...it will result in no lawn to mow! I am not certain what it will cost me, but I am thinking once Hawaii is done, a makeover for my front yard will be the next thing I save up for.
Card Pool to the Rescue
April 15th, 2012 at 06:20 pmI sold my gift card this morning electronically on Card Pool, for $18.75. I lost an additional $1.25 in value, but don't need to mail in the actual card. This is convenient, since I no longer have it.
From the time I put in my sell order, to receiving an email that they had verified my balance and mailed my check, about 30 minutes.
Plastic Jungle Frustration
April 13th, 2012 at 01:20 amA few weeks ago, I mentioned I intended to sell a gift card on Plastic Jungle. I have been trying to do just that, but it hasn't been working out too well.
I have sold gift cards on Plastic Jungle in the past with no trouble whatsoever, but this time it is another story.
First, I put in a sell order. I received my e-mail confirmation, which stated I would receive my shipping label e-mail within 24 hours. I never received it. After 2 days, I e-mailed customer service. Eventually, I was told that my order had been cancelled because it had orginated too far from my home zip code. I submitted the order from my work computer. I live and work in the same town. Glitches happen sometimes, so I take this with good humor.
I submit a second sell order. This time, I do receive my shipping label e-mail and promptly mail my gift card to Plastic Jungle. A week passes, I go on-line to see if my check has been mailed. I discover that the status of my order is "cancelled"! I e-mail customer service, they eventually reply that Plastic Jungle was not able to verify the balance of my gift card. I am supplied with the gift card and PIN number.
I call the merchant's gift card information line, and I learn that the balance on my card is $25.00, exactly what I had claimed it was. I e-mail customer service. I receive a reply that my e-mail is being forwarded to another department.
A few days go by, and I receive another e-mail. They are sorry for the inconvenience and they ask me to submit a new sell order. I think to myself, I will do that, then reply to the e-mail with my new order confirmation number. Well, I attempt to submit a new sell order but I receive an error message that the gift card already exists in their system. I e-mail customer service again.
This is the reply I received this afternoon:
Thank you for contacting Plastic Jungle.
We would like to inform you that your card for the order # PJ200210142 has been freed from the system. However we found that the card balance is less than $25.00.
We request you to check the balance again because if the balance is less than $25.00 we will not be able to accept it.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
I called the merchant's gift card information number again, and again verified that my gift card balance is $25.00. Right at that moment, I became very disgruntled. They obviously still have not bothered to verify my gift card balance!
I sent them an e-mail summarizing my experience and my frustration. If they don't just send me my check, I am going to contact the merchant, have the gift card replaced, and sell it to another gift card broker.
March 2012 Budget Report
April 5th, 2012 at 01:11 am
Well, it isn't pretty, but here it is.
My utilities are UGLY. I had to trim back on savings and credit card debt to accommodate my new, bigger, balanced bill pay amounts, and I still went over! I have paid my last home phone bill, so that will help some. I expect my electric and gas usage to go down now that there is one less person in the house. And I am seeing that already, it will just take some time for the reduced usage to impact my balanced bill pay plans. I'm still not completely sold on the whole balanced bill idea, but I'm going to leave it be for now.
Also in utilites, my cell phone bill is too darn high. I have called to see if I can get a lower bill, but I really can't at the moment. My contract is up in June for my line and my mom's line. J's line still has more than a year to go. AT&T is much more expensive than T-Mobile. I just want to go back to T-Mobile! My bill in March was $166, which included several $2 per use data charges. I had asked to have data blocked! When I called, I was told that it isn't blocked, but they will be happy to block it. If I accessed the web from my phone, it was only because I accidentally hit the wrong button. I have tons of roll-over minutes too, but I have the lowest amount of minutes which includes unlimited nights and weekends. If I bump down (from 700 to 550), then night and weekend calls will have to come from those 550 minutes. For 3 people, that seems like not enough.
"Everything Else" this time around is mostly for pharmacy and dr. co-pays, but does include a video game for J.
My Visa spending in March was fine, but February's bill had to be paid and CurveBall is poor again.
In all honesty, after all that has happened in the last 6 weeks, I am just grateful to have no new credit card debt.
Groceries was way too high. I picked up too many convenience foods, and picked up take n bake pizza a few times as well.
So that's how it went. I am determined to do better in April.
Mortgage Payment #48
April 4th, 2012 at 01:13 amMarch 2012 Net Worth
March 31st, 2012 at 12:35 amA day early. The markets are closed tomorrow, and I will have to keep my wallet closed. After all, I want my reporting to be accurate.
The past few months have been kind. My cash is down as you can see. Investments are up.
Housing value is up (amazing!).
Debt is down.
I missed reporting last month due to illness.
Good Simple IRA News!
March 30th, 2012 at 04:20 amMy employer's retirement plan is a Simple IRA. It has been set up at Edward Jones. A few months ago, our plan advisor chose to leave Edward Jones and open his own investment firm. The two partners at our firm chose to follow him. They gave us employees (all two of us, the third employee does not participate) the option to follow, stay, or move our accounts elsewhere.
Well, it turns out Vanguard will accept "orphaned" Simple IRAs!! I started the paperwork process today. My Simple IRA is moving! I am so jazzed. No more front end loads, no more high expense ratios, and a reduction in annual fees from $40 to $25. Yay!! That means more of my money for me.
In other riveting news, I did a wallet sweep and chipped another $9.38 from my mortgage. What will the huge chunk of granite become as I chip away? Will it resemble Michelangelo's David? Hmmm.
Housing Regrets
March 24th, 2012 at 07:35 pmTo recap my situation, I bought my current house in November 2007 for 231,400. I put down 20% + closing, + had to make repairs out of pocket.
I feel regret pangs when I see what my home is worth today. It isn't so much the loss in value, it is the knowledge that had I waited a few years to buy, I could do so much better today.
Look at this place, in a very nice area:
Isn't it cute? It is the same size as mine now, with a smaller lot, in a better school district, with a community pool. 97k!!! If I were buying that today and putting the same amount of dollars down, I would have a mortgage of 51k. I would take a 15 or 10 year note, have smaller payments than I currently have, and be done paying YEARS sooner.
What a huge difference that would have made in my retirement plans!
Since time travel is regrettably not possible, there is nothing I can do about that. But I ponder, what CAN I do? Is there some way I can benefit from today's low home prices + low interest rates? Is there an opportunity here for me to add to my modest nest egg?
I am toying with the idea of seeing if I can qualify for an FHA loan, buy a house for 100k or so, rent out my current home, and wait for the day I can sell for enough to get out from under. FHA has a 3.5% + closing down 30 year fixed loan. I would have to pay PMI. I would need to scrape up 7k or so, which would have to come from a retirement account.
Of course, I would have to take a 30 year loan on the new place, not a nice 10 year loan. But the payments would be half of what I pay now. That is the advantage I see. The disadvantage I see is....I don't enjoy being a landlord.
In other news...I had another $2.43 available in my Lending Club account. I transferred and chipped it. I have less than $5 still owed to me, so Lending Club chips are approaching the end.
I sold a gift card on Plastic Jungle for $20. When I receive the check, I will chip that too.
Trying to Get Organized
March 21st, 2012 at 09:34 pmI am feeling a lot better, but still have not gotten caught up to my usual level of organization. However, I am making a bit of progress. In the past 2 days, I have:
1. Paid my electric bill. A day late! Thank goodness I thought of it yesterday. I ran down to their office, without my bill (can't find it) and paid. I am expecting a $5 late fee to be added to my account.
2. Paid my home telephone bill.
3. Called to cancel my home telephone. (With nephew gone, there is just no need for it.)
4. Returned my Chase Southwest card with a note to please close the account. (Opened for one-time rewards.)
5. Returned my Discover More card with a note to please close the account. (Opened for one-time rewards.)
6. Transferred the $1500 in my Chase checking account (part of my EF, opened to take advantage of a free money offer). It's been 7 months, and I was only required to have it open for 6 months. Once the transfer is posted on the receiving end, I will close the account.
7. Balanced my regular checking account.
8. Did a wallet sweep and chipped $3.29 to my mortgage. Compared what I have actually paid to what I have been scheduled to pay, and was pleased to notice that....I am nearly 1k ahead of schedule!
9. Got my bill book up-to-date.
10. Called Edward Jones (our Simple IRA custodian) rep to get my contribution deposited in Jan 2012 reclassified. They called it a 2012 contribution, so their records of my 2011 contributions did not match my W-2.
My balanced bill plan with my local electric company has just adjusted up, from $132 to $238. I'm not surprised, I knew $132 was too low.
My balanced bill plan with PG & E has just adjusted up, from $54 to $78. That one did surprise me, I thought $54 was plenty.
I'm hoping to be completely organized by the end of the month. We'll see.
Under the Weather
March 11th, 2012 at 07:05 pmI have been a bit under the weather. Two weeks ago, I had a cold and with it came a deep, hacking cough. The cold is gone now, but the cough remains. The more I move around and talk, the worse the coughing. It is constant. I have been to the doctor twice, completed a round of antibiotics, two different cough suppressants, and she even tried steroids to see if it was an allergy thing. I went for a chest x-ray last Wednesday. The doctor has still not called with the results. I'm annoyed about that. I called the doctor's office Thursday and the results were in, but the doctor still needed to read them.
I have been missing work, and while at work have not been as productive as usual. I am going to work tomorrow, but I am no better. I have no choice, there are some things I must have done before 3/15. It's going to be quite a challenge as I still feel awful.
Between missed overtime and co-payments, this has been costing me plenty of money.
I am way behind on my budgeting, bill-paying, and record keeping. I don't have the energy to catch up right now, either.
At a pre-trial court appearance, my nephew plead no contest to a misdemeanor charge. His sentence includes probation and he can no longer live in my house. He must remain at least 100 yds away from my neighbors for the duration of his probation. This is not a restraining order, it is a condition of his probation. At the moment, he is staying at my mom's house. It hasn't really sunk in yet, that he is gone and not coming back.
And lastly, I did something I hope I will not regret later. I lent my BF $6,000. He was on the verge of losing his house. It is his own fault for dragging his feet for so long. He had scraped up every cent he could, but was still short. Even in this market, the house is worth 500k or so. The mortgage balance was 30ish thousand. So the mortgage is now current. Additionally, he is borrowing some money from an old family friend to pay the mortgage in full. The friend will put a lien on the house in the amount of the loan. So there will be no more mortgage.
The house is a beautiful custom built house in a golf course community. It is an unusual house, modeled after a resort BF's mother and step-father visited in Mexico. There is a pool with a swim up bar in the middle of the house, and lots of tropical plants. The rest of the house is built around it, with views of the pool from every room. There is a master suite and a guest suite, living room, kitchen, home office, laundry, and a third bathroom. Not a lot of rooms, but all of them are large. There are a lot of upscale features. My favorite is all of the windows in the master suite are floor to ceiling. Outside each window are small gardens complete with fountains and a privacy wall. So as you look outside, you simply see lush tropical gardens.
Extremely Eventful Weekend
February 21st, 2012 at 03:44 amThis past weekend was like Mr. Toad's wild ride.
On Saturday, BF and I took off for a day trip to Bodega Bay. We enjoyed the beach and a fresh seafood dinner. We had a nice, relaxing time.
We started home about 7 pm. It should have been a 3 hour trip home. Instead, it was a 20 hour trip. I am going to summarize this particular fiasco quite a bit. It started with my car dying as we were driving down the road. We eventually got a tow into a nearby town and left my car at a Pep Boys, hoping they could work on my car Sunday. We had to take a cab to a hotel with a vacancy. The only vacancy we found was at a budget motel and the room had a broken heater. Better than sleeping in the bushes outside, so we took it. No clean clothes, no toiletries. That cost $65. Spent half the next day waiting at Pep Boys, and they were able eventually to get my car repaired (new alternator). That cost $389.
Arrived home a little past 3pm. Missed work, that cost 8 hours of OT. Upon arrival, my nephew and all 3 dogs were not in the house. My nephew's bicycle was in the garage. He would not take all 3 dogs for a walk all by himself. His bedroom door was wide open, and he always closes and locks it. Over the course of the afternoon, two different people called to say they had my dog. I collected those two, but the third dog is still missing.
What happened to my nephew? Well, it seems Saturday night he played rap music really loud all night, upsetting the next door neighbors. The very same neighbors with whom we have had the fence isssue. Sunday afternoon, they called the cops. The cops came but heard no music (it was off by then). As they were speaking with the neighbor, my nephew came outside and began giving the neighbor a piece of his mind. He screamed "Im gonna kill you" to the neighbor in front of the cops. Brilliant idea? Hmm, perhaps not. Nephew has been arrested and is currently in jail. I went tonight thinking I could visit, but that isn't how it works. I had to fill out a visitor registration form and they will review and approve or deny me, I will hear back in a few days. His bail is $50,000. I will not be bailing him out.
I'm still pretty upset. I apologized to the neighbors for the disturbance. I don't care for the neighbors, but there is no reason they should have to put up with that.
When Is Market Rate Not Market Rate?
February 15th, 2012 at 12:46 amWhen you are applying for a Harp 2 refi, that is when.
Rates dipped this morning so I contacted my mortgage consultant. I learned that Harp 2 loans are not market rate and do have a premium. This is not what I had understood her to say when we talked previously. I can get 4.625%, or 4.375% with a point. I said that unless I can shave at least 1 percent from my current rate with no points, I am not interested in doing a refi. She acknowledged that the current rates are not very beneficial to me. So unless rates dip quite a bit more, there is no refi in my immediate future.
I chipped the $10.00 I received from Hauser. Tomorrow is payday, so I did a wallet sweep and chipped an additional $7.01 from that.
Today Is The Day
February 14th, 2012 at 04:10 amIts my birthday, but more importantly, it is the day I can officially begin my refinance. All last week, the rate for a 30 year fixed was 3.875. This morning, 4.0. Isnt't that always the way? :P I did not ask for a lock today.
I have not heard from my mortgage consultant further. So I haven't actually signed anything at all yet. I am sure I am not the only person around here salivating to refinance.
Today in the mail I received my first check from Hauser! It is for $10.00. It is for the period Jan to Oct 2011. I was expecting $21.00 for Jan to Nov 2011. If you exclude November (which was a high volume month), then $10.00 is correct. I really want to chip it, even though my refi makes it seem pointless.
Friday morning J decided he wants to be on the school swim team. The deadline to turn in the paperwork and get a physical is tomorrow. Don't you just love when your kids pull that sort of thing? When I filled out the paperwork, I ran across one sheet which needed to be signed by me in the presence of a school official, who also needed to sign. Well, great. So today I took a long lunch and drove over to the high school to take care of that. It was pouring down rain and I got soaked. Tomorrow immediately after school, J's dad will take him to the dr. for his physical. And tomorrow night J will attend practice and turn everything in. As it happens, practice is 4 nights a week and is held not at the high school J attends, but at the one a few blocks away. Yay! That means J can get himself back and forth from practice with no trouble at all.
On Saturday, I spent the day with my mom, my cousin, and J. My cousin bought some nice travel books for each of us; one on Oahu and one on Hawaii (Big Island). We pored over them, discussing what we would like to see. Wasn't that thoughtful and organized of her? She is sooo like that. (I have LOTS of cousins, but this is the one with whom I have a close relationship.) Her name begins with an L. From now on, I will refer to her as cousin L.
Work is crazy. I don't know what else to say about that.
Federal Refund Received
February 8th, 2012 at 05:12 pmMy federal income tax refund of $763 posted today. I sent $700 to vacation fund (to repay what I previously "borrowed") and $63 to CurveBall. I'm feeling much better about the balance in CurveBall!
Yesterday I charged a deposit for our Hawaii trip to my Visa. That charge won't show up until next month's bill. Until then, the money will sit in Vacation Fund accruing interest (teensy as it may be).
Mortgage rates for 30 year fixed continue to be 3.875%. (I check twice a day.) They haven't even fluctuated in more than a week. I can't lock yet, still waiting.
Reward Points Big Boo-Boo
February 6th, 2012 at 06:09 pmI made a big mistake at Christmas time when I redeemed rewards points. I had 50,000 pts on Chase Sapphire and was expecting, at any moment, 50,000 pts on Chase Southwest. I was saving the Sapphire pts to use on airfare to Hawaii, as that yields a 25% bonus. Half of the Sapphire pts belonged to BF as it was his purchase which earned them. But the Southwest pts were mine, all mine, and I planned to use them for Best Buy gift cards to buy J's iPad2 (his Christmas gift).
Well, Christmas was approaching and my Southwest pts kept not showing up. I was beginning to worry they would not arrive in time. So I thought, I'll just use the Sapphire pts, then the Southwest pts will go towards airfare. So that is just what I did. And it might have worked beautifully. But guess what? Southwest doesn't fly to Hawaii. Did I bother to check before using the Sapphire pts? No, I did not.
My next thought was to cash them in for gas cards. They do have Shell gas cards, but only $25 cards. $25 cards cost 3,000 pts each. $50 gift cards cost 5,000 pts each. I'm not too excited about losing 500 pts on each $25 gas card. If I cashed in all of the pts, I would receive 16 $25 cards, or $400 worth of gasoline.
So, today I cashed Southwest pts in for Wal-Mart gift cards. I bought 10 @ $50 each for 50,000 pts. Once I receive the gift cards, I will close the credit card account. I will sell the Wal-Mart cards on Plastic Jungle and take a loss on the face value (3.4%). The transaction should net $483. That is $241.50 each for BF and I.
I suppose it isn't too awful since we ended up buying a travel package including airfare. I had priced tickets, and they are running $850 each including taxes. Our whole package is right at $1800 per person, for air, 9 nights lodging, and rental cars while on the big island. (Our 2 days on Oahu, we will not have a rental car. We do have shuttle service to and from the airport included in that price.)
Previously I said $1850 each person, but that was based on the first resort we booked. (My cousin has narrowed it down to two resorts. One was almost booked solid, the other was not. She booked the one which was almost full, and we had a time window during which we could switch if we wanted with no penalty. We did decide to switch to the Mauna Lani Point resort, which is the link I posted in my last entry.) There was a small price difference and our total went down. We are actually staying in condos, and will have a kitchen with a stove, fridge, pots and pans, dishes, and utensils. This will be nice as we will not need to eat out for every meal. We will do a grocery shopping trip shortly after arrival. We will eat some meals in and also will pack lunches to take with us on outings. And I want to try the local farmer's market. I wonder how freshly picked bananas taste? I'm going to find out!
Hawaii Trip Booked!! :)
February 3rd, 2012 at 09:36 pmMy cousin went to see her travel agent this morning. Our trip is booked! We will spend 2 nights on Oahu and 7 nights on the big island. For round trip air, hotel, two rental cars (there will be 8 of us), and travel insurance, it comes to $1850 per person. Of course, we will need more for food and activities.
I'm very excited!
Update: here is where we are staying for 7 of our 9 nights
I don't expect to suffer much.
Meeting With Mortgage Consultant
February 2nd, 2012 at 04:27 amSo I continue to go back and forth on the whole 20 yr vs. 30 yr decision. Today I was thinking, "definately the 20 yr". Tonight I had my long awaited meeting with the Wells Fargo mortgage consultant.
First of all, the rate break for a 30 is a mere 1/8th of a point right now. So that is not worth taking on the bigger minimum monthly obligation. The 20 yr is out.
I had to supply basic info on income, assets, and liabilities. They will do a credit check. They will pull my income tax returns. They will do a market appraisal, meaning it is based on sales in my neighborhood not on an actual onsite appraisal.
So she opened my file and now we have to wait for Feb 6th to be ready to roll. Today the rate for a 30 year fixed is 3.875. On Feb 6th, who knows? I cannot lock before the program is officially active.
She said everything else we can do by email until it is time for me to sign final docs.
January 2012 Net Worth
February 1st, 2012 at 06:32 amJanuary 2012 Budget Report
February 1st, 2012 at 12:30 amState Refund In My Hot Little Hand
January 31st, 2012 at 05:13 pmMy state refund is in my checking account this morning. I sent $100 to Piddly (same bank as my checking account) and the rest to CurveBall.
Cashed out another $8 from Beezag, sent that to CurveBall too.
Tonight is my meeting with the mortgage consultant. I can hardly wait! I am an odd bird.
Child Support Reduction
January 25th, 2012 at 02:31 amMy ex-h and I agreed to $200 every two weeks. He also stated he has arranged to skip a car and credit card payment next month, so no longer wants me to hold onto tomorrow's check for two weeks.
So I have an income reduction of $26 this month and $52 for February and forward.
My ex-h loves debt. He had a huge amount when I married him, and nothing but a mortgage when I divorced him. Now the house is gone (short sale to avoid foreclosure), he has a huge vehicle payment, and 30k or so of credit card debt. He has no savings and no retirement savings (cashed it in last year, spent it). He has experienced income loss due to budget cuts, but still makes a nice salary. (I still do his taxes, and he tells me things from time to time.) Thankfully, his love of debt is no longer my problem.
What he does have going for him is a beautiful pension, so he will always have money coming in.
Income Tax Returns Efiled
January 24th, 2012 at 06:18 pmI submitted my income tax returns this morning. I will be receiving $1100 from the state and $763 federal. This was my last 1k child credit.
I replied to ex-h and suggested we split the insurance increase and change the cs to $200 every two weeks (from $226). I also asked if "defer" meant for two weeks or for some other time period. We will see what he says.
Isn't There Always Something?
January 23rd, 2012 at 04:54 amJust got an email from ex-h. He wants to know if I can "defer" his next child support payment as he is being "forced to move", had to come up with a deposit, and is "tight on cash". Also, he would like to reduce his child support payment as the cost for medical ins just went up.
Isn't there always something?
Dental Costs, Budget Progress, Big Picture Thinking
January 22nd, 2012 at 06:01 pmThe dental appointment went very well! Since I have been a patient for a long time (decade or so), and since I was paying cash, they gave me a special rate. $75 for my cleaning and x-rays! That was slightly less expensive than paying $80 for insurance, then $36 at each bi-annual cleaning.
The dental copay for J was just $10. I'm going to mention to ex-h that J went to the dentist, but I'm not going to ask him to kick in half. I don't want him to feel nickeled and dimed, and I need him to come through without a fuss when larger expenses roll around. (We don't split everything. For example, I buy all of J's clothes. I receive child support, so we agreed that was fair. But we agreed that medical copays and extras such as summer camp would be split.)
My mammogram had no co-pay at all! Quite reasonable.
I'm on track to come in at or under budget on every category for January. The only "overage" is on the mortgage, because I chipped $5. I don't mind that at all.
Now that I plan to refi and start all over on a 30 year mortgage, I think I need to face the reality that I likely will not have my mortgage paid in full by age 65. Hopefully though, I will have a nice chunk of equity at that point. So perhaps a better plan for me is to downsize. I may have enough equity to purchase a 2 bedroom condo outright.
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